Dr. Pat Kennedy

Dr. Pat's passion for chiropractic care began with a life-changing experience during his athletic career. After a training session where heavy weights fell on his chest, he found himself unable to turn his neck or catch his breath. Despite seeking help from top physical therapists, orthopedists, and neurologists, he found no relief. As a last resort, he visited a neighborhood chiropractor who miraculously fixed him up for free. This experience not only changed Dr. Pat's life but also the lives of countless athletes, families, sports teams, businesses, friends, and neighbors.

Now with over 30 years of experience as a chiropractor, Dr. Pat still approaches each day with excitement and belief in the amazing self-healing abilities of the human body. He believes that good posture, flexibility, balance, coordination, and strength are essential for optimal health and performance, not just for athletes but for everyone. Dr. Pat's dedication to helping individuals achieve their full potential through chiropractic care is what drives him to provide the best possible care to his patients every day.

Dr. Pat's passion for helping people extends far beyond his own personal experiences. He believes that everyone has the potential to unlock their full health potential and become the hero of their own healthcare journey. Dr. Pat is dedicated to guiding and coaching his patients on this transformational journey towards optimal health and wellness, which sets him apart from other chiropractors. He believes in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, and focuses on personalized care that takes into account each individual's unique needs and goals. With Dr. Pat as your partner in health, you can trust that you'll receive the support and guidance you need to succeed on your journey towards becoming the healthiest version of yourself.